Friday, April 17, 2009

Life is or was?

The cheery smile,
the twinkling eyes,
the active body,
with a happy heart
and a content soul
living a calm peaceful life

Now gives way,
Way to a hurried life
with a stressed heart
and a worried soul
mirrored by dull eyes
and mirthless smile
encompassed in a diseased body

Is this what life has become?
Or is this what we think it has become?

A little something..

A lil flowery piece which struck me during the day...nothing serious or anything..just :D

I lean back in my chair near the window; eyes closed listening to the fury of the rains. She like a mum to mother Earth pelts hard and fast with a vengeance, an indecorous bitter vengeance for bearing the trysts of the torts and injust silently. She lashes out her rage with no mercy, not even when she hears the skies roar in grief felt for Earth. Not for a sixtieth of a second does she rest, atleast not before she glances upon the Earth a couple of times with her sparkling eyes. For then she begins to wail, wail at her own misdeed and lets out a soul-piercing howl through the tiny crack in my window when the vicarious nature of her act fully descends upon her.

ENOUGH. I can tolerate no more. I stand pressed against the window letting the one warm tear run down my cheek hoping and praying for a remedy. I turn slowly to face the world outside questioning the silence to see her brother embracing her and sending his troubled exhausted sister in his cushioned chariot as he proceeds to smile wistfully clearing up the chaos caused by his sister’s wrath with warmth giving the Earth a second chance.

A second chance with hope

A second chance not to be missed.


You, I stand against.

This little piece is not to be taken literally. It has a different meaning. the ocean here in fact, represents us, humanity.


I stand,
I stand drinking your beauty
But not surrendering to it.

I stand,
I stand against your lapping waves
But not falling prey to its power.

I stand,
I stand daring to go against you,
Your beauty, your power.
You, I plead to support me in my fight.


Good isn't good enough,
Being perfect isn't perfect,
And every right is a wrong.

It's not the same anymore
All alone,
Every friend, a foe.

I ask for love,
For friendship
To know none.

My life seems to have changed
Only for me to realize,
It's I who have changed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A promise made in silence,
wrapped in trust, faith and hope
lies broken by a soft sword
opening vaults of deceit and suspicion

A promise born by love
and nurtured with devotion
lies buried by green eyes

A promise with none-
But one to care,
has breathed its last.

A silent farewell bids the heart,
praying a resurrection with-
" I promise."

Monday, April 6, 2009

है कहीं वोह

है कहीं वोह
जिसका मुझे इंतज़ार है
मालुम है की वोह आएगा
इन आसुओं को पोछने,
इस दिल को सम्बलने
इस जिस्म को जगाने
यकीन है मगर इरादा नही
फिर भी लगता है की हक है मुझे उसके यादों में मेरी दिन रात बिताने

जाने या जाने ना

ना जाने क्यूँ कोई चुपकेसे घुस जाते हमारी ज़िन्दगी में

ना जाने कैसे दूर हो कर भी पास लगने लगते हैं

ना जाने कब मगर मंज़ूर है की हमको उससे है इकरार

एक बार

एक बार नज़रें पड़ी
और येह सास बेहेकने लगी

एक बार छु आ
और येह दिल धड़कने लगा

एक बार आँखें कूली
और यकीन हुआ की येह सच नही, सपना था